Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Working the "greens"

Today, I'm working the "greens" . . . . the green shelf in my stash that is.  I've decided to make my "charity quilt top of the month" from this shelf for March.  Green seems to be a March color -- St. Patrick's and all that, but those of us in the snow belt are beginning to yearn for more green.  Actually, I would take any sign of green at this point!!
It's easiest to just pull it all down onto the floor and start from scratch.  I'm sorting the true greens from the yellow-greens and the blue-greens.  Then I'll restack them from light to dark for each of the three green groups as that is the easiest way for me to access them quickly,
I've chosen a pattern for this month's charity quilt -- the Moda Love Layer Cake Quilt which was the feature pattern during the Moda Love Blog Tour in September, 2014 --
you can find the pattern PDF HERE
It's includes 3 different sizes determined by the size pre-cut stack you chose. 
 I did the 32" size using a 5" charm pak last fall for a baby quilt -- can't find a picture of it -- maybe I didn't take a picture of it?
So this time, I'm going for the 72" square quilt and I'm making my own layer cake by cutting 10" squares from my green stash as I tidy the shelf up!!
So far, I've only cut a few and no lights yet -- I'm hoping I'll find a hunk of 3 yards of a background rather than doing a scrappy background -- we'll see?
At the same time, I'm working on my bird wall quilt which will premier during the Tree Bird Blog Hop!!  This is a sneak peak and I'm excited about the results so far!!
My day to post during the Hop (March 13 through March 23) is Thursday, March  19. 
This panel is the starting point but I'll also share how to adapt my design to any focus print/panel.
If I counted right, there are 56 bloggers participating and it will be fun to see everyone's projects!!
The complete schedule for the tour is available HERE.
Back to the greens!!
Mary Huey


  1. Oh can't wait to see the birdie quilt! I love those panels--will definitely be checking in for that. You have a lovely selection of greens. I have a few layer cakes and I think I will sort them by color instead of by designer collection. i rarely use up a whole designer collection together. hugs, Julierose

    1. What a good idea to sort your layer cakes by color! I'll be interested to hear how that works.

  2. On the other side of the world, March and April are also a time of green - after the dry, browning heat of summer.

    1. Interesting to know that fall is a time of green for you. Thanks for stopping by again!!

  3. The green quilt looks interesting. And looking forward to seeing the bird piece. I am sure having those two in your sewing is bringing on anticipation for spring!

    1. Thanks for visiting again, Helen! Somewhere there are snowdrops blooming!!!

  4. I have that panel, so I'll be very interested in seeing how you use it, Mary. I read through the list of bloggers participating in the hop - I only recognize 9 - Wow. I have a lot of eye candy coming my way as I check in with the hop each day. Thanks for sharing, Mary!

    1. I hope you'll like my little quilt!! I'm excited about it!

  5. The Moda Love quilt is on my bucket list. I love how you de stash by making a quilt to donate. Green is a great march color.


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