Sunday, October 13, 2024

Getting Stuck -- It's More Common Than You Think!!

 I get stuck on quilting projects more than you might realize.  You see me finishing, finishing, finishing but you don't see when I get stuck, stuck, stuck!

And I'm currently stuck . . . . 

. . . . . with two steps left to go to the finish line, I've caved into indecision last week!  When Step 9 of this project arrived in my inbox, I was still trying to figure out the colors and fabrics for Step 8. Up to this point, every fabric I've used has come out of the "stash" and I'd like to keep it that way.
But the color and fabric palette has taken on a life of it's own and I'm just following along.
So time for a pause!
I'm keeping it up on the design wall so I see it everyday while I work on other things and trusting my subconscious design brain to work things out for me -- 
that and I'm waiting for the final step (sort of cheating?).
I actually have a "watery" vision (as in vague) of how I want it to look but until I see the designer's final plan, I hesitate to go forward.

But I haven't stopped stitching!!

This very scrappy quilt top is laying on the guest bed (which needs to be cleared off STAT) and is the result of a week or so of clearing a stack of fabric remnants off the cutting table.  
My "go-to" scrap cut is a 2 1/2" strip but with the box burgeoning, I decided to revisit the 
Sakura Sun pattern I pieced back in January/February 2023 since it will use up between 3 and 3 1/2 yards of strips!!
I checked and the link in my post to the free pattern still works.

This morning, I stitched together the third set of strips and decided what the heck, lay it out!
It's an overcast rainy day here so I was surprised when I took this picture that it looks pretty cheerful!  The first layout was random, in the order the strip sets were stacked.  I made a few adjustments to spread out the yellow and to separate duplicates (how do they always end up next to each other?).  I like to start my day with some stitching so tomorrow I'll start to stitch the strip sets to each other.

  I'm also hand-stitching the binding on this project.  I just looked back to see if I've posted anything about this project -- nope!

It's inspired by some Aussie quilters I follow on Instagram who use gorgeous big motif prints as background for appliqued English Paper Piecing motifs.

I fussy cut and stitched all these flower style motifs using pentagons during the spring and early summer.   There are about 35 all using my stash of 1800's reproduction fabrics.
Then I had the idea to quilt the top first (it's a simple diagonal grid) and then apply the flowers.  That sounded easier than figuring out how to quilt around the motifs!!
The top is a drapery fabric panel from the stash of a friend's mother or aunt so it dates back to the 1940's perhaps.  It's called Bird Watchers and is just too wonderful to cut up so my plan is to cover the borders and open areas with the flowers.
It will be fun!

By the time the last part of the hexagon mystery arrives, the Sakura Sun top will be pieced and I'll focus back in on the hexagons!  Yes, I'm stuck but I can't let it become a UFO!!

There is a fresh scone calling my name so I'll leave you here!!

Saturday, August 31, 2024

Good Intentions -- Forgotten Again

The last day of August and I'm surprised at how long it's been since I wrote a blogpost!?!  I had good intentions of posting every couple weeks this summer but obviously I didn't.  That seems to reflect my theme this summer -- forgetting.   I've always been a "list maker" but that habit seems to have slipped -- so perhaps I was always forgetful but didn't notice because I relied so much on lists??  

Yea, that's it!  I'm going with that!!

One of my other intentions for the summer was to focus on "contentment" -- specifically being content with my diminished energy and what I'm able to accomplish in that new mode.  The tricky aspect of this is that I still have lots of good ideas, but with less energy picking the ideas that benefit myself and others the most feels imperative.  It seems like to understand the aging process, one needs to be aging??  That's "past me" reflecting on my reactions as I watched older friends and family do less with their lives and seem to just step back -- and now here I am, stepping back every chance I get.

I should quit gardening and piecing and birding -- all of my favorite occupations require lots of mental or physical energy and wear me out these days.  The gardening could be winding down naturally -- I've let go of lots of high maintenance plants this summer (our little drought has helped).  I'm thinking of my outdoor gardens as habitat more than gardens -- providing shelter and food for native wildlife like beetles and spiders and bees and birds rather than the groomed beauty spot I was raised to work towards.  The birding away from home has slowed down but I've always enjoying observing bird behavior more than chasing rare birds so the increasingly native habitat of my yard caters to that.  Plus my growing fascination with insects provides some of the same experiences -- I know this will be disconcerting to some but outdoor spiders are quite interesting!

Then there's the piecing!  It is all muscle memory for me at this point so a very relaxing way to spend my time.  There are very few old UFO's in my stash at this point so starting something new is generally safe!  I'm currently a bit behind on the summer sewalong -- Chrysalis Cascade from the Darty Kite pattern company but sometimes that is okay as I can see the next step before I have the current step finished and make alterations in my fabric scheme (LOL).

Some of the versions in the Facebook group are amazing.  While I didn't have any sort of vision going into the project beyond using up some 1800's "reproduction" stash, I'm surprised by the results so far.  I've hardly used any of the intended stash but using any of the stash is good!  Of course, I'm machine piecing it instead of English Paper Piecing -- my left hand doesn't tolerate much hand work at this point.

One of the downsides of hardly any UFO's anymore is that I've run out of "leaders and enders" when chain-piecing -- using UFO piecing for that has been my "go-to" strategy for finishing, especially projects that I no longer enjoy.  Of course, there are those new ideas and so those have become the "leaders and enders" but this past week, the hexie piecing became the "leaders and enders" for a new idea that I was itching to start.

I'm always looking for ways to use up the 2 1/2" strips that I cut from the last bits of a piece of fabric.  The box gets so full it won't fit in it's designated space and so it must be culled productively and tidied up every so often.  
Actually, I love working out of this box.  Value becomes the primary selection criterion with color being secondary.  Spontaneous fabric choices always result in whimsical combinations and fabric gets used up!!

I sketched out this Granny Square block earlier in July in EQ7 and figured out how to piece the blocks together without using sashing.  (Sashing is fine but it slows me down and requires more accuracy to execute.)  Every time I figure out a "simpler" process for assembling patchwork, I thank Mary Ellen Hopkins -- her viewpoint was transformational for me.

The key is to think in "units" rather than blocks and eliminate seams.  I did this by adding the background squares to two sides of each unit and rather than piecing blocks,  I'm working in rows.  Once the entire layout is organized, I'll assemble the top by joining the rows of each unit to the rows of adjacent units.
Here is a unit laid out and ready for piecing. 
I'm piecing the rows from the upper left to the lower right - there are 7 rows varying from 2 squares to 8 squares.  I'm not setting these rows into units yet, but before adding them to the design wall, I press the seams.  Rows 1, 3, 5, and 7 are pressed in the same direction.  Rows 2, 4, and 6 are pressed in the opposite direction.  Each set of rows for every unit is pressed the same so when I string all the rows together in the final assembly, the seams will nest together consistently.
Then onto the design wall.  Everything looks askew at this point but I want to be able to move them around before the final row assembly so I'm holding off stitching the long rows.  
Here's a close-up so you can see the rows at this point.  I've started to add background squares to the right hand end of each row but they aren't stitched in place yet.
I'll add triangles to the end of each row to straighten the edges.  These are cut four from a square so the outer edge of the quilt top will be straight grain, not bias.  
This is another Mary Ellen skill -- by adding 2 1/2" to the finished size of my design squares I can cut these square on both diagonals to get triangles with straight grain diagonal edges.
Since my design squares are 2 1/2" cut and will be 2" finished, I added 2 1/2" to 2" and cut my squares 4 1/2".  The 2 1/2" extra is a constant no matter the size of the design square -- if it's a 9" block or a 12" block, an extra 2 1/2" still gives you the right amount of seam allowance.
These triangles will be set around the outside edges at both ends of each row.
The corner triangles are cut from a square 1 1/2" larger than the finished unit size that is cut on one diagonal as below.
These triangles are a bit larger than necessary but I like the extra space it gives me to straighten the outer edges of the top and add borders when needed.  Those little triangles can be trimmed off once the rows are joined.
 I have one more unit to organize and then after some rearranging for balance I'll start to stitch the rows together assembling the top much like a Trip Around the World design.
By the time I finish this laprobe quilt which will be donated to Sew4Service (a local group collecting and distributing hand made items in Northeast Ohio) the 2 1/2" strip box will be tidy again (although as I'm finishing up this post, I think another idea is percolating in my head?!?).
Finally here is my "sketch" along with two other versions inserting more background "sashing" with floating cornerstones into the piecing but using the same assembly process of units and rows rather than blocks.  The third idea (top right corner) is to insert a color "sashing".  Feel free to copy my sketch!  
If your scrappy strip stash is a different size, just go with that!  Don't cut new strips!
2" strips will yield blocks about 8 1/2" across
2 1/2" strips will yield blocks about 11" across 
3" strips will yield blocks about 14" across
How about 1 1/2" strips you say -- about 5 3/4" across
So use the size you have and do some stash busting!!

Watch my Instagram feed -- @hueymary -- for the finished top!!




Wednesday, July 17, 2024

Auditioning for "Best" Choice is the Key to Stash Busting Quilt Projects

 I should have kept count of the number of projects I've seen "die on the vine" so to speak while students and customers hunt for more of the exact same fabric or the perfect fabric.  Certainly, that was my excuse for not finishing projects until I discovered picking the "best" of the available choices gives me excellent results!  

Not only has that strategy helped me get to the finish line over and over again, but it's led me to create some of my best quilts -- no make that some of my favorite quilts!

Now I confidently dive into my stash and audition my way to the "best" available choice -- it's worked before and I know this strategy will work again.

First, I own lots of fabric and I've chosen each piece myself because I love it, so it makes sense to shop in my stash first.  I love to buy fabric as much as anyone but I love the feeling of delight when I use something that has been "aging" in my stash.

Case in point - currently I'm participating in the Darty Kite Pattern Company's mystery sewalong -- the only thing we were told going into it was the shapes being used and the finished size. A couple days ago, we received instructions for the fourth step.  

Thank goodness I was finished with the third step and ready to move forward.

At this point, I don't see myself adding new colors -- the fussy-cut lavender background floral was my guide for settling on the purple, blue, and green palette with pink accents.  So I started to pull possible prints for the next round based solely on color.  

(Do you recognize any of these prints??)

For example, I brought the entire stack of blue prints with a similar value to what I've already used over to the design wall -- then pinned any up there that caught my eye and put the rest back on the shelf.

I left the room for a few hours and when I returned, I quickly pulled down the blue prints that "stuck out" leaving me with the two you see above.  I repeated this step for each color group until I had a small assortment of choices.  
Elimination is definitely the easiest way to make a decision!!

"How did you think to chose that color/print?" is a question I've been asked many times about many of my quilts.  The truth is, I don't think about it as hard as you think I do -- I react to the possibilities I've assembled.
I'm not more clever or smarter -- I've learned to listen to what my mind likes.
The only advantage I've had over most quilters is that I've been part of hundreds of similar decisions in my teaching career coaching other quilters to adopt this "best option" approach.
So yes, I do make it look easy.

If I took this top shopping I might find something different but not necessarily better.  The important aspect of making choices for me is to like my choice and use my stuff (which at my age might otherwise be doomed to a yard sale)!

So here are the winners for the next round!  One more night on the design wall and tomorrow I'll reaffirm my choices and start cutting
 Between bouts of piecing this quilt top (by machine, of course), I'm knocking out charity quilt tops to use up more UFO finds and keeps me supplied with productive "leaders and enders".  Last week, I found two more unfinished teaching samples -- arghhh -- but by the time I get this step finished, they will be ready to layer and quilt!

These demo samples using Marti Michell's Flying Geese Ruler are becoming a couple of wheelchair size lap robes.  There were a few left to piece and it was a good reminder of how accurate the pieces are when cut with this ruler -- uniform and square "geese" units that are going together beautifully!!
And this pile (which I don't even recognize) will go up on the design wall next for some creative exercise.  More Marti Michell demo pieces of course!  I do love that print!!
Summer here is rushing along -- I found my first monarch caterpillars of the year early this week and today I watched a spicebush swallowtail lay a few eggs on the spicebush in the side yard!!
Plus "the tomato" has set on and is growing -- I have one Mr. Strippy heirloom tomato plant in hopes of having one excellent homegrown tomato in August!!  You see, I love tomatoes but my body does not -- they really crank up my arthritis so I only eat one excellent tomato annually.

Time to cut 120-some hexies!!


Friday, July 5, 2024

An Ode to Straight Lines

 Okay, maybe this won't exactly be an "ode" but as I was quilting this Mississippi Mud over the past couple weeks, I found myself expressing gratitude to my brain for finally coming up with a good quilting strategy for this pattern.  

How many of these have I made?  
How many of these have I convinced other quilters to make?  
How many hours have I struggled to meander quilt Mississippi Mud with consistent spacing and scale?
"Straight lines" or almost straight lines is what enabled me to quilt 21 tops in 2021!
Remember all those quilts that moved off the "to be finished"?
About half of them were quilted with straight lines or straight meanders.
And many more have recieved the same treatment since then.
I can do either on my big APQS George or my standard Bernina with a walking foot.
Not only is it easier to do, it's become easier to figure out how to do it!
So reconsider the straight line and quilt one of those tops in your stash this month!!

I've prepped a scrappy binding from my 2 1/2" strip box -- there's another idea that just dawned on me?!?
How many scrappy bindings have I made and never thought to dig through that box?
I layered up the second one of these Mississippi Mud lap robes yesterday and began the machine quilting this morning.
While you are here, type Mississippi Mud into the search bar (right side near the top) and see all the variations over the years of my pattern -- many are from students.   Quilting these two tops has another idea brewing in my head for a variation of it - if it happens, I'll share it.

And you can purchase a copy of the pattern HERE -- downloadable PDF so you can start a new project right away!?!  

Finally, I'm going to break one of my personal rules and make a current affairs statement.
If you are concerned about the Supreme Court ruling about "presidential immunity" this past week and the potential danger of this distortion of the Founding Fathers' intention for balanced government -- I urge you to write to your federal legislator's and express your concerns.
I saw on Instagram this morning that the ACLU is urging us to take action.  
As one commentator said last week, we the people need to act for the good of our descendants.
We elect presidents not kings and that's what set the United States apart 248 years ago.
This isn't about political parties -- this is about democracy.
Don't ignore this.


Wednesday, June 12, 2024

An Excellent Rule!?!

An English Instagram friend recently posted 
"if you finish a project, you can start three new ones"!!
Sounds like an excellent rule, don't you think??
And since I just finished a couple projects, I'm caving in to this one.
This is the first step of a new mystery quilt along led by the Darty Kite Pattern Company for EPP or hand-piecing -- Chrysalis Cascade Mystery!!  Of course, I'm machine-piecing it.  
I would like to EPP it, but my left hand voted NO so . . . . . .
My plan is to stash-dive for the fabrics and I started with this lovely floral because it has so many 
fussy-cutting options.
I'm out to the final round of this step and of course, 
using my rotary cutting templates from Marti Michell's Set G for the pieces.
One last fabric to audition -- I left it laying on the sewing table and hope when I go back to it tomorrow morning, I'll be able to say "yea or nay" to this pink print.  I am using a 1" hexagon cut-out to focus in on the section I think I want to use since the designer suggested a print with a curved motif.
Of course I need "sew-offs" when I use the Set-In Piecing Simplified technique with all these 1" seams so the hourglass blocks from my 30's repro print stash are serving that purpose although the original plan has morphed from a large lap robe into three wheelchair lap robes since those will be easier for me to quilt.
The sew-along has a
if you want to see all the inspiring starts for this project!!



Monday, May 27, 2024

Grace Graduated

 And you know what that means?!?

Grandma made her (another) quilt!

 I've had this quilt top finished for a year and I knew when I was making it that it was for Grace but I put off quilting it until the deadline was bearing down hot and heavy.
The pattern used is Exploding Hearts and I made it with a layer cake. 
I layered it on May 7th and 8th.
As I was motoring along with the quilting one morning last week, I considered "why was I waiting" to quilt it?   Stop and think!  I actually did try to come up with a quilting plan when I first finished the piecing.  I looked at Pinterest and Instagram for ideas -- nothing!
And so as is often the case for me, how to quilt it was my "bump in the road" and I put it off until the last moment!?!
Thankfully, the looming deadline was the big motivator!! When I sat down to actually start the quilting I took the simplest approach and used the same "grid" idea from the last Mississippi Mud top I quilted!
The quilting lines are about 1/2" off the seam lines and (this is awesome) they avoid all the lumpy seam intersections and don't call attention to any of the "not quite perfect" intersections!
My lines aren't perfectly straight but when looking at the piece as a whole, that's not obvious!
I did this on my APQS George with a straight line tool and follower foot, but it could just as easily be done with a walking foot on any sewing machine.
BONUS -- since all the lines begin and end at the edges of the quilt, there were very few thread ends to bury -- just where the bobbins ran out!!
Plus I finally was able to use this gorgeous floral print that I've been hoarding!!
On May 20th, I bound the quilt and labeled it by stitching a dedication and my name right into the quilt with my computerized Bernina's lovely script alphabet using the memory function to write out phrases.
Of course, it's been so long since I did that sort of thing, I had to get out the manual -- thank goodness I organized all my machine supplies a few years ago and the manual was easy to find!
Grace is my oldest grandchild and as I stitched out her name, I recalled the moment her mom called to say she was expecting and my excitement!
She did very well in school and is headed off to college in the fall perhaps to become an engineer?  Here we are in front of her "baby tree" as she calls it -- a Japanese lilac seedling from my garden that I gave her parents the year she was born.
Look at all those cords and medals?!?
Time to start thinking about the next graduation quilt so I stay ahead of the game!!

And if you like this quilting idea, go ahead and copy it on your next project!!


Monday, May 6, 2024

Scrappy Quilts for the Win

 Another long pause from me -- I'm thinking I might be about finished with my blogging career if that's what its been?  I've always created my posts with a goal to teach or share something useful to other quilt makers but having stepped largely away from the more active part of the quilting world, I have few ideas to share that seem new to me.  I feel like I've said everything I can about finishing projects and working with scraps and using tools effectively and staying true to your own creative energy.

The current "sewing with scraps" interest continues for me and yesterday I happily began to assemble the scrappy log cabin blocks into a large throw.   It will take a couple more sessions to assemble it completely -- an hour at the sewing machine is my current time limit (thanks arthritis!?!).

I'm so pleased with the results -- the quilt has so much sparkle (it's the turquoise and orange scraps).
 I estimate it used 4 3/4 yards of fabric even though the 1 1/2" strip box is still half full . . .   
. . . and there are still pre-cut logs on the mat.
Perhaps there needs to be more log cabin blocks pieced -- maybe a couple wheelchair lap robes?

And bonus!!
All the hourglass units are pieced for the next quilt top -- I used them as "leaders and enders".
They aren't quite as consistent in size as I  had hoped -- turns out the starter charm pak squares weren't actually 5" square so the accurate 5" squares I cut to fill out the assortment are bigger making for some lopsided hourglass units.  
Do you know how much I dislike trimming???

A dozen years ago, I started using UFO's as "leaders and enders" and that strategy worked so well and I finished so many piecing UFO's that now I have to start new projects so I have productive "leaders and enders".  By the time, I finish piecing one quilt, I often have most of the units done for a new quilt (although it makes for a very messy cutting table?!?).

The little scrappy star quilt top is all set together -- it is suppose to be a charity quilt but it hasn't been donated yet -- well, it's not finished.  
Am I delaying because I like it a little too much???
I also pulled out a very old UFO and got it quilted this past month.
It's a Mary Ellen Hopkins log cabin idea using the six colorways of the print I colored for Kings Road Imports back in the mid-1990's. I challenged one of my quilter clubs to make something using all the colorways and this was my friend, Laura's make.  A few years ago, she was having a "thin-out" and gave the top to me.  Now it's hanging in my sewing room where I can see it from the sewing machine!
 I need to focus on quilting tops for a month now -- they are piling up a bit more than I like at this point.  This afternoon, I'll layer the Exploding Heart top I made last winter for a graduation quilt for my oldest granddaughter. 
Graduation is in 2 1/2 weeks -- yikes, Mary -- cutting it a bit close aren't you??

I'm not even mentioning all the normal distractions of spring here.
This gorgeous fellow and three side-kicks have been here all day -- foraging in the oak tree and taking turns sucking up sunflower seeds from the feeder.
Rose-breasted Grosbeak.
And I can hardly tear myself away from the back windows with a clear view of the yard!!

Time to get that quilt layered.
I hope spring is settling into place where you are!!
