Wednesday, June 12, 2024

An Excellent Rule!?!

An English Instagram friend recently posted 
"if you finish a project, you can start three new ones"!!
Sounds like an excellent rule, don't you think??
And since I just finished a couple projects, I'm caving in to this one.
This is the first step of a new mystery quilt along led by the Darty Kite Pattern Company for EPP or hand-piecing -- Chrysalis Cascade Mystery!!  Of course, I'm machine-piecing it.  
I would like to EPP it, but my left hand voted NO so . . . . . .
My plan is to stash-dive for the fabrics and I started with this lovely floral because it has so many 
fussy-cutting options.
I'm out to the final round of this step and of course, 
using my rotary cutting templates from Marti Michell's Set G for the pieces.
One last fabric to audition -- I left it laying on the sewing table and hope when I go back to it tomorrow morning, I'll be able to say "yea or nay" to this pink print.  I am using a 1" hexagon cut-out to focus in on the section I think I want to use since the designer suggested a print with a curved motif.
Of course I need "sew-offs" when I use the Set-In Piecing Simplified technique with all these 1" seams so the hourglass blocks from my 30's repro print stash are serving that purpose although the original plan has morphed from a large lap robe into three wheelchair lap robes since those will be easier for me to quilt.
The sew-along has a
if you want to see all the inspiring starts for this project!!



1 comment:

  1. Looks like you've started a beautiful quilt! Happy stitching!


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