Monday, May 6, 2024

Scrappy Quilts for the Win

 Another long pause from me -- I'm thinking I might be about finished with my blogging career if that's what its been?  I've always created my posts with a goal to teach or share something useful to other quilt makers but having stepped largely away from the more active part of the quilting world, I have few ideas to share that seem new to me.  I feel like I've said everything I can about finishing projects and working with scraps and using tools effectively and staying true to your own creative energy.

The current "sewing with scraps" interest continues for me and yesterday I happily began to assemble the scrappy log cabin blocks into a large throw.   It will take a couple more sessions to assemble it completely -- an hour at the sewing machine is my current time limit (thanks arthritis!?!).

I'm so pleased with the results -- the quilt has so much sparkle (it's the turquoise and orange scraps).
 I estimate it used 4 3/4 yards of fabric even though the 1 1/2" strip box is still half full . . .   
. . . and there are still pre-cut logs on the mat.
Perhaps there needs to be more log cabin blocks pieced -- maybe a couple wheelchair lap robes?

And bonus!!
All the hourglass units are pieced for the next quilt top -- I used them as "leaders and enders".
They aren't quite as consistent in size as I  had hoped -- turns out the starter charm pak squares weren't actually 5" square so the accurate 5" squares I cut to fill out the assortment are bigger making for some lopsided hourglass units.  
Do you know how much I dislike trimming???

A dozen years ago, I started using UFO's as "leaders and enders" and that strategy worked so well and I finished so many piecing UFO's that now I have to start new projects so I have productive "leaders and enders".  By the time, I finish piecing one quilt, I often have most of the units done for a new quilt (although it makes for a very messy cutting table?!?).

The little scrappy star quilt top is all set together -- it is suppose to be a charity quilt but it hasn't been donated yet -- well, it's not finished.  
Am I delaying because I like it a little too much???
I also pulled out a very old UFO and got it quilted this past month.
It's a Mary Ellen Hopkins log cabin idea using the six colorways of the print I colored for Kings Road Imports back in the mid-1990's. I challenged one of my quilter clubs to make something using all the colorways and this was my friend, Laura's make.  A few years ago, she was having a "thin-out" and gave the top to me.  Now it's hanging in my sewing room where I can see it from the sewing machine!
 I need to focus on quilting tops for a month now -- they are piling up a bit more than I like at this point.  This afternoon, I'll layer the Exploding Heart top I made last winter for a graduation quilt for my oldest granddaughter. 
Graduation is in 2 1/2 weeks -- yikes, Mary -- cutting it a bit close aren't you??

I'm not even mentioning all the normal distractions of spring here.
This gorgeous fellow and three side-kicks have been here all day -- foraging in the oak tree and taking turns sucking up sunflower seeds from the feeder.
Rose-breasted Grosbeak.
And I can hardly tear myself away from the back windows with a clear view of the yard!!

Time to get that quilt layered.
I hope spring is settling into place where you are!!



  1. I hope you don't quit blogging completely. I enjoy seeing all your scrappy quilt projects. It gives me incentive to keep going! Enjoy the spring!

  2. I would miss your blog. Still good memories and good ideas to be shared

  3. Love your scrappy log cabin and the scrappy stars. It understand how it would be hard to give away. The great thing is you can make another.

  4. I hope you don't quit posting to your blog. You share so many ideas for quilt designs. You always have new ideas and ways to use Marti Michell's rulers. I have several sets of those rulers because I taught several of her block of the month patterns when I had a quilt store. By the way, I got an email from Marti's website announcing retirement for her!


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