Wednesday, January 30, 2019

Rainbow Nundle Dilly Bag Finish!!

I'm so pleased with my finished bag that I've already filled it with the next knitting project!!
I just have to finish the toe of the final Christmas sock and I can cast on this new cardigan for me!!
I showed you these rainbow bands of hexies last week on my way out the door to a weekend stitching retreat.  Many of the hexies were basted during the fall session of #100hexies100days2018 on Instagram with the intention of making myself Brigitte Giblin's Nundle Dilly Bag.
I made one for my knitting daughter and loved it so much that I wanted my own!
Happily, I met my weekend goal to have the outer shell of the bag finished and ready to line when I got back into my studio on Monday.  Once I had the finished shell in hand, it was easier to choose the finishing fabrics.  I repeated the black polka dots for the casings.
I chose a cheerful floral for the lining -- there wasn't quite enough so I added strips of the bright green and then used that for a couple pockets.
I even added a "fob" just in case!?! 
I made a detour from Brigitte's instructions for the lining to streamline the process a bit.
I cut the bottom circle as two half circles (don't forget to add seam allowances if you try this).
When I stitched them together, I back stitched about 1/3 of the way across, lengthened my stitch to basting for the center 1/3, and then shortened again to a standard stitch length and back stitched at the 2/3 mark and continued on to the edge.
Before pressing the seam to one side, I snip the first and last stitches of the basting section, both topside and underside -- this makes it easier to remove the stitching when I'm ready for that step. 
I divided the circle and the lower edge of the lining tube into 8 equal sections each -- I'm a lazy pinner so I only pinned at those 8 points, then eased as I stitched the base to the lower edge of the lining tube. 
Stitching the with base circle on the top is the best way to proceed and I was happy to get back to the beginning with no pleats necessary!!  Now I removed the basting stitches from the center seam of the base piece and pressed the lining.
I settled the lining inside the outer shell of the bag -- right sides together.
I always hesitate at this point to recheck - right sides together - right - I don't want to goof up.
During this recheck, I discovered one of my whip stitch seams was starting to come loose along the top edge, so I pulled the lining out and re-stitched the seam!
The "hole" in the base of the lining allows me to machine stitch all the way around the top edge to attach the lining and secure the casing units.
 One more check of the seam and then I turned the bag through the hole in the lining base!!
I pushed the lining down into the bag just to be sure and good thing -- it was 1" too long.
I must have had my ruler laying backwards on the fabric when I cut it?   Grrrrrrr!
Deep breath -- un-stitch the seam,  and I trimmed an inch off the top edge of the lining and restitched. 
Now the plastic base circle was inserted and the opening stitched closed in the base. 
All that was left to do was insert cords for closing.  A search of my trims and cords box yielded nothing and the idea of making cords from fabric is really low on my list of "things I enjoy doing" -- okay, it's on the other list --"things I don't enjoy doing".

Shopping was required!!
And I "really" needed to go out for a bit yesterday because today, we are entertaining the "polar vortex" -- current temperature is -1F with winds gusting to 30 mph -- and I'm happy not to be going anyplace!!  (We need to trade some "degrees" with Australia!!)
Three errands later (including a few groceries) and I came home with supplies for an idea spawned by watching Sarah @coopcrafts Instagram posts as she hand stitches fuchsia grosgrain ribbon to cover the piping on an ugly couch.
I used two layers of 1/2" grosgrain ribbon and after stitching one side together, I inserted a 1/4" strip of  cotton batting in between and stitched down the second side. 
It's a sturdier cord that just using a single layer of ribbon.
My casing is a bit tight but I can un-stitch that and loosen it up easily. 
So here it is!!
My Rainbow Nundle Dilly Bag.
Purple, yellow, blue! 
And on the other side, orange, green, red! 
Now to finish that sock and watch my birdfeeders for the rest of the day -- checking to be sure all the regulars show up today.  This white-breasted nuthatch just checked in so he survived the super cold night.  All the juncos and house finches, both of the cardinals, and extra goldfinches plus my ubiquitous fox squirrels are present and accounted for as well! 
24 hours more to go little fellas until it warms back up.
Stay warm if it's cold and cool if it's hot!!


  1. These are so cool! Thanks for linking up with Elm Street Quilts One Monthly Goal and congrats on your finish!

  2. What a great bag! And one can never have too many knitting bags!

  3. Thanks for the tutorial! I think I am so in love with this bag. I would totally make one this week but doing hexies is not my thing.

  4. Wow, the bag looks really great, quite my favorite. I love hexagons and that is a brilliant idea to even process remnants.
    Thank you very much,

  5. Its charming and I really enjoyed your pics and the explanation o9f what it showed, thanks!

  6. Another great tutorial. You are so productive.

  7. That's a beautiful bag. I love hexies but am still afraid of them. Glad your birds are safe.


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