Monday, January 14, 2019

January Stitching

I can't believe it's mid-January already!?!
I set a personal goal at the beginning of the month to "deal with 10 UFO's" -- that may or may not mean finishing of course!!

I have finished one pair of Christmas socks with a second pair moving in the right direction.
In an effort to transition from "plain" socks I grabbed several new "fancy" sock patterns during the #sockvent18 in December event on Instagram.  This charming Vanilla Spice pattern with the faux cable up the back of the leg caught my eye and is an easy knit.
The yarn is a hand-dye sock yarn from Barnyard Knits (another Instagram discovery!!) -- Stormy Skies is the colorway -- so perfect for Northeast Ohio where we survive much of the winter season under these gray threatening skies.
I found a hexagon machine piecing project with lots of finished units ready to set together so that is happening while listening to Barbara Kingsolver's newest book, Unsheltered.
Have you started that book?  It's a hard read/listen, but so relevant - so I'm persisting.
I'll share the finished flimsy very soon though it may not get quilted before month's end.

I just set one "published" goal for January -- to finish my rainbow Nundle Dilly Bag -- it's English paper pieced, incorporates all the hexies basted during #100hexies100days blast in the fall on Instagram.  It took me quite a while to organize a layout I like, but that's done and the stitching is progressing slowly.
So four UFO's dealt with and probably time this month for a few more though I'm not sure there's time/energy for six (unless it involves ditching them)?!?

I've also drawn up a list of questions/problems for my husband's family genealogy effort.
If you have caught that interest, you know what a time eater it can be!!
Last week, I took advantage of a sunny day to drive east to the county of his ancestors to search out cemeteries and answers at the library.

Hardly anyone in my family fought in the Civil War, but several of Doug's ancestors did and it's an honor to find the "veteran's star" in the cemetery and to stand where his family stood as they mourned a century ago.
One of my unsolved mysteries is the result of a family that lived in Pennsylvania but many of the documents I'm finding that pertain to them are from Ohio.  Finally, I found this map from 1870 that explains everything!
They lived in Pennsylvania, but just barely, and the nearest town was 1 mile to the west -- in Ohio.
Their farm is the second farm from the Ohio Pennsylvania border - P. Franklin, 50 acres.
Thank goodness, people save stuff like this and then share it to historical collections!!
Now I know how to proceed and hopefully, answers I want will appear.
Of course, I know myself very well so I did allow myself to start "just" one new project!
And limiting myself to ONE is so hard -- there are so many exciting possibilities for new projects in January, isn't there?

I settled on an English paper piecing "block of the month" designed and led by @lemonshark via Instagram and her website.  It's one block a month (two in January) and they are good size!
The patterns are free on her website and she has lots of useful EPP tips!
Each of my blocks will begin with a large print by Kaffe Fassett from my hoard.
Once I made all the fabric decisions, I cut everything and organized a tray to keep it all together.
 I added letters to label and identify the pieces including right side and left side pieces, before I cut the pattern sheets apart.  I labeled the overall drawing of the block to match -- that small step has saved so much mental energy!!
After thinking about the assembly order I decided on two units of four pieces as the simplest approach though as with many English paper piecing designs there is more than one way to do this.
Here are the last two finished units ready to set into the block.
Later today, I'll stitch them into place! 
The finished tile is 18" across from point to point and they will be appliqued onto a background.  I'm going to wait until I have three or four tiles finished as I think it will be easier to decide on the background squares size at that point.
The rest of my day will be stitching and knitting -- UFO's beware!!



  1. Thank you for two things in this blog post:
    the use of "hoard" instead of "stash," because it makes me think of dragons
    the reference to the Shark's Dinner blog because she has some nice EPP tips and her quilt-along looks interesting

  2. It looks like you are getting a lot done. I love the socks and the lemonshark pattern at the bottom of the post is beautiful.

  3. Those fabrics are perfect together! Anxious to see the next block!

  4. I admire anyone who can knit a sock!

  5. Your new EPP is fabulous - thanks for sharing. Think I'll try it too. Love the socks - look cozy.

  6. Your english paper pieced block is fantastic! I love those colors together!

  7. Mary, your English paper piecing BOM is gorgeous! I love had work including embroidery, applique', and stitching down the binding on a quilt, but for some reason I don't enjoy English paper piecing. I will admire from blogland.

  8. Some lovely projects happening at your place.


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