Saturday, February 9, 2019

Chair with a View

This is the chair (complete with heating pad and box of tissues).
And this has been my view now for going on 10 days!?!
I'm enjoying a bout of viral bronchitis!
I haven't been ill this long for years.
I haven't been confined to the house this long for years.
I haven't been this bored for quite some time!
Fortunately, I have hand-stitching in abundance.

I have the new block to organize and prep for stitching from the #sharksdinnerBOM.
I still have 300 or so 1"hexies to baste for my Dodecagon quilt.
One afternoon I laid out the finished part of this quilt on the floor, finalized my layout plan and calculated what is needed to finish.
My next step is to surround the dodecagon blocks with green hexies, so I've been stitching strips of 7 together to prepare for that step -- I hoped to have all of them ready by the end of February for a retreat I'm attending . . . . but guess what?  I have all I need!?!
That's fun!!
Edit September, 2019 -- Marge Sampson-George now has the Dodecagon pattern, templates, and papers available via this Etsy shop -- click HERE.

I cast on the green cardigan -- it's to replace my favorite sweater which I've worn out -- and am just about ready to split for the armholes.  Steady as she goes!
Since I'm not receiving visitors (?!?), it's okay to have current projects draped all over the living room.  That way they are handy and the boredom cycles easier to manage when I just need to go to the other side of the room to change projects.
Reaching the final corner of hand quilting the central part of this quilt is so exciting!!
Now I just have two borders left to go and I'm determined to finish that in February!
I used up my monthly Hoopla library loans quota for the first time ever -- two audio books and daily movies without leaving the chair!
Recovery is on the horizon but I'm definitely getting stir crazy (no birding or walking) so just need to be patient for a few more days.
What do people do that don't hand stitch when they are sick??



  1. Oh sorry you have been so ill for so long :000 definitely need to rest to recuperate--
    happy to see that you have handwork to take you through those long hours...your dodecagon is lovely...beautiful work hugs, Julierose

  2. My dear, how sorry I am that you've been sick for so long. Your dodecagon quilt is fabulous already. If you want more reading material close to home (free or discounted), try You pick your categories and they show you what's currently free or very low price. They have some big name authors. I recently got one by Pope Francis and another by Julia Garwood. All of your projects are great. Feel better soon.

  3. I'm glad you've had plenty of hand project to work on while you've been sick. Hopefully you're getting close to the end and will soon be outside bird watching again.

  4. That's a really impressive body of work coming from someone who is so ill! It seems this viral bronchitis is making the rounds where I live, too. Nasty stuff, it is. I no longer have the motor control to do handstitching so when I'm sick, I just sleep. I'm a master sleeper! Get well soon.

  5. I had viral bronchitis last month-it does drag on and I’m so sorry you are still down low. I wasn’t as productive as you but I did get a binding on my version of Talking Turkey, a Bonnie Hunter quilt that is for my husband-his Wolfpack alma mata colors of red and white. Be well!

  6. So sorry you have been ill and glad that you are on the road to recovery. It's great that you have your sewing and entertainment to keep you company while you recuperate!

  7. Those of us that don’t hand stitch watch NETFLIX, read, and nap!!!!, sorry you are sick, Mary. Get better for the retreat!!!

  8. Hope you feel better soon! Can't wait to see you at retreat. - HUGS!!

  9. Oh dear, Mary! I hope you are on the mend now.


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