Wednesday, February 20, 2019

More Isolette Plus Quilts

My loyal gang of quilters has been working since the first of the year on more of those isolette baby plus quilts I shared with you HERE in November.  At this point, most of the bundles that we collected together in this tub have been turned into quilts to be donated to the NICU at a Lexington, KY hospital.
We get together every couple weeks for an afternoon of stitching and in spite of the weather have managed to turn out a couple dozen quilts
It's interesting to listen to everyone as they lay out the pattern -- we run the gamit from "slap-dash" to "very particular". 
One of the gals is so in love with this simple make that she has made close to a dozen herself since the first of the year. 
Bright and cheery, 
or subtle and understated -- they all look great! 
I've started to add a little heart into the one's I'm piecing.  It's a simple block in a range of sizes from a tutorial by Cluck, Cluck, Sew.   The 5" finished size fits perfectly!
And look at this cute backing -- couldn't  cut it up, but it's perfect for this! 
I started on this one today -- smaller scale pluses for a twin size quilt that will be donated to a local men's transitional home -- manly fabric pull that uses a stack of aging solids from my stash!
One of my friends cut the entire stack into rectangles and squares this past week so I could get right into the layout and stitching!
Win, win!! 
If you'd like the pattern for the isolette cover (35" by 40"), send me an e-mail (maryhueyquilts at hotmail dot com) and I'll share the PDF with you!
It's a great beginner's project if you are teaching a non-sewer to piece -- very few seams to match!

Time for tea!!


  1. Lovely quilts--i especially like the cheddar version and that backing is perfect hugs, Julierose

  2. Your isolette cover requirements are much bigger than ours!
    I love the cats and the heart.


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