Thursday, March 13, 2014

No time to stitch!?!?!

It's been an intense week!!  I've been completely absorbed with the finishing a presentation I'm giving Friday evening to the local nature club I've belonged to since I was 11 years old.  It's about how birds have been named over the years.  The idea to do this presentation started last spring when I got to wondering where the word "Blackburnian" came from.

It's a beautiful warbler that passes through this region during spring and fall migration.  Turns out it's named after an English gentlewoman who lived during the late 1700's.  She never visited the "colonies" but her brother lived in the New York/Jersey area for a couple decades and sent specimens back to her to add to her natural history collections.  A Welsh naturalist named this bird after her in gratitude for the access she granted him to her collections.

If I were giving one of my quilting lectures, I would have it together in a thrice and not fuss about it.  But putting on my naturalist/bird nerd hat makes me nervous, so I've been in a dither all week.  And it doesn't help that when I come across an interesting bit of information (that may not have anything to do with the topic), I wander down that path for a bit. 

Almost done and thank goodness for the EPP project that is laid out in the living room -- I've managed to at least spend some time with needle and thread in the evenings adding more green hexies!   It should be ready for the next phase in a day or two!!

And I organized 4 sets of hexie flowers for Heather's 1" hexie swap.  You can read more about it at Based on a True Story . . .
Back to the birds!!  If you live in Northeast Ohio and enjoy birding, my program is open to the public -- 7:30 p.m., Friday evening, 3/14 in the Fellowship Hall of the Willoughby United Methodist Church, Willoughby, Ohio (use the entrance from the parking lot behind the building and come downstairs).
Mary Huey


  1. I like your mix of green hexies, with a few pink/fushia ones and bees. Is the panel under them meant to be part of the quilt? That's a very beautiful design!

  2. thanks, France -- yes the beige piece of fabric is part of it -- inspired by Brigitte Giblin's work. Not sure yet how big a piece it will become -- just enjoying the process!

  3. your hexies are lovely! And I think that part of what keeps us creative is "wandering down the path" of our curiosity.

    Thanks for linking to Needle and Thread Thursday!

    :) Kelly @ My Quilt Infatuation

  4. Your epp is looking good - lovely shades of green!
    Birding and naturalist studies would be quite fascinating, especially when combined with some history and mystery.

    1. Gave the program again yesterday morning at the nursing home so my long-time birding mentor could enjoy it, too. Birding has enriched my life so much!!
