Sunday, January 14, 2018

Finish Along 2018 -- First Quarter Goals

I've been waffling about joining in again this year but here I am at the last minute!
For the first quarter of 2018, I'm going to tackle three projects.

The first is a new quilt that is still taking shape on my design wall -- I'm calling it Lift Off.
It will be a twin size quilt destined to belong to someone who is lifting off -- leaving behind addiction and building a clean life.
I've also decided to focus in on my most ancient UFO's this year -- these are projects I began and just can't seem to let go for one reason or another -- but they aren't doing me or anyone any good laying on a shelf in the studio.  This lovely basket block combines piecing and applique.  It was started as a shop sample back in 1999. 
There is just one block left to applique and then I can piece the border.  Because this is a double size quilt, I'm going to send it out for longarm quilting.  I've put the top in the stack going off to a stitching retreat this weekend -- determined to finish that last block!!
I don't even have to look for a needle!?! 
Finally, I pieced this top over the past couple years -- mostly as leaders and enders.  It has been a great teaching tool for my pineapple workshops using Marti Michell's ruler sets.  But as I step back from teaching, it needs to be finished and I think I know exactly who is going to get it!!  Knowing that is always a good motivator for me! 
By choosing just three projects, it gives me time to get distracted and indulge my whims to take on spontaneous projects on the spur of the moment.
How about you?
Are you setting any goals for this quarter?

Visit the Link-up of all the other goal setters HERE!!

Enjoying the cold weather here in NE Ohio!!


  1. That basket quilt is so darling. All three great projects for your first quarter. If I joined it would be with only one goal per quarter.

  2. How cute are the baskets. No one would guess that that they are almost 20 years old. How handy that a needle is there, ready to go. :)

  3. Great projects! Good luck with your goals! On behalf of the 2018 global FAL hosts, thank you for participating in the FAL.


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