Monday, August 18, 2014

The Last Daylily

Do you grow daylilies?  I do and I hate to see their long bloom cycle come to an end.  For the past 4 weeks, my garden has been blessed with a panorama of oranges!!  It was a bit sad to discover the last bud opening today.
Here is a sampling of the variety I've enjoyed! 

 Isn't this bloom a lovely stage for the green katydid -- I have just started to enjoy their evening songs!!  It wouldn't be summer without it!

Now the yellows will reign supreme for a few weeks -- black-eyed susan, gray-headed and prairie coneflowers and stiff goldenrod.

The last of the monarch butterflies have emerged from their chrysalis -- all together my daughter and I have fostered a dozen of these beauties -- more females this year than males.  I hope they will make a successful migration and find a safe haven to hibernate for the winter to return next summer and populate my gardens.
 Enjoy the final month of summer!!
Mary Huey


  1. I do...My two favorites are Bright Dancer and White Shepherd. :-)

  2. I love day lilies but can't seem to grow them in this desert climate. There's a wonderul linky where you can share your gorgeous blooms: Your lilies will wow them.


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