Somewhere along the way, I began to adapt this idea to sashing blocks. Instead of creating rows of blocks that alternate with sashing to attach to rows of sashing and cornerstones, I add a sashing unit to two adjacent edges of my blocks with the cornerstone. I like this technique because I can do all that before laying the blocks out so there are fewer trips back and forth to the work wall. Plus I can continue to chain piece which always makes me feel so efficient.

This photo is from my pattern, Trip to the Stars, (available in my Etsy shop, MaryHueyQuilts) which I wrote to use Marti Michell's Sashing Stars Set. It enables you to trim the sashing and cut the star points for a basic star (as illustrated) and also for a long pointed star in 3 different sizes -- for 2" wide, 3" wide, and 4" wide sashing -- any length! It's a very versatile and handy tool!!
I begin by adding a sashing unit to one edge of each block -- in this photo, I've already added them to the left side of my train print squares -- I chain pieced!!
Snip them apart and press all of them.
Next I sew the cornerstone to one end of another stack of sashing units -- chain-piecing again.
Snip those apart and press them so the seam will oppose the seam on the sashing/block unit.
Finally, stitch a sashing/cornerstone unit to an adjacent side of each sashing/block unit. Still chain-piecing. These are going onto the top edge of each square in this photo.
Snip these apart and press the final seam -- I press half the units to the left and half to the right.
Now I'm ready to put the quilt up on the work wall. Once the arrangement suits me, I will need to add sashing and cornerstones to the block units along one side and the lower edge of the quilt.
Once that is done, I'm ready to set the quilt together, add the borders and quilt!
This is my grandson, Bennett's quilt -- it was fun to make because I got to use lots of my orange stash!
Next week, I'll begin a series on Adapting Quilt Patterns. We all own lots of those I imagine and I'm going to look at ways to get more out of a pattern than just what appears on the cover!
Keep piecing!!
Mary Huey
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