Friday, May 6, 2016

Lost and FOUND!!

I found my camera!!!! 
There it was in a bag with printer ink when I got one out to install in the printer?  
Apparently, the three of us came into the house together 10 days ago and I didn't do a good job of putting everything where it belongs.
My joy and relief at finding it exploded in a frenzy of picture taking around the garden so instead of pondering stitching with you today, I'm taking you on a tour!
This is a native wildflower, wild geranium that lights up a back corner under a tree.
There are several clumps of this delicate looking primrose in the long hosta bed.  It began with a single plant from a fellow primrose fancier 20 years ago when I began gardening in this yard. 
Isn't the flower lovely? 
In spite of the fact that our American toad nursery is brimming with tadpoles, the adults are still singing -- these little fellows are currently about 3/8" long and almost double the size they were 10 days ago. 
The edge of my peculiar pond is home to a clump of marsh marigolds -- they have been a wonderful solution to a muddy spot along the edge.
I have two clumps of Giant White Trillium, one of our most treasured local wildflowers.  They have suffered tremendously from deer browsing in the woodlands but my clumps are expanding slowly and this year, each clump will have 4 blossoms. 
I only have one clump of bluebells blooming -- some day I hope that it will spread across a wild area along the north side of the house. 
That's where the bird box is and today I peaked to see how things are progressing.  It's a black-capped chickadee nest built out of moss and lined with soft fibers.  Can you see the egg right in the middle?  There are six eggs!!  Can't wait for the noisy stage of this process!! 
This wildflower is Jack-in-the-Pulpit -- last year there was one flower and this year there will be three!  They are a unique plant that morphs from a male-only flower to a female flower as the plant ages -- mine aren't there yet, it will take a couple more years.  The violet is a little cultivar that is part of my violet collection which I let run amuck and grow wherever they like!
This is the flower of wild ginger -- I have to pull the leaf mulch aside to see them -- love the color! 
Another one of my primrose collection -- tough reliable specimen that glows right at the edge of my patio. 
Wild crested iris -- they just opened in the morning and are about 5" tall. 
They seem very happy nestled into the rockery alongside sedum. 
The pansies have to live in the window box these days so the deer don't eat them.  We added a hummingbird feeder a couple days ago and hope to be able to enjoy watching them from the dining room. 
This ajuga is bit aggressive so once it finishes blooming, I pull it back to a smaller clump -- it would pave the driveway if I let it. 
I've only planted one pot so far -- still a bit early for our area to put out many annuals.  This chive plant has lived in this pot for several years and survives some very cold winter weather. 
The violas are all volunteers that popped up around the flower beds and I transplanted them to brighten up the front steps.  I left this one in the center of the patio -- such a cheerful face!
Three varieties of violets have swarmed this part of the front garden -- on the left is "Freckles", "Confederate" is in the center, and the large white aromatic violet is on the right. 
I'm so excited that the rhubarb is looking stronger this spring -- I have great expectations!! 
The view of the new porch railing (yet to be painted) from the rhubarb!  The rod between the center posts will host the morning glories later this summer!
I have the largest most prolific red currant bush in the world!!  No kidding!  It's blooming and I hope there are enough pollinators on the prowl to guarantee a bumper crop this year. 
My strawberry bed is not very productive -- the common blue violets seem to enjoy it more than the berry plants -- not enough sun so I'm in the process of moving that this summer. 
This is my third year doing a straw bale garden plot.  I've already set out Lacinto kale, broccoli, Brussel sprouts, shallots, and planted peas in last year's straw.  The new bales should be ready to go by mid-May -- thankfully we've lots of rain and so prepping them has been easy this spring. 
This batch of kale is hanging out on the back porch until the new bales are ready. 
I walk the yard every day to see what's new.  I have too many beds and projects to manage sometimes -- much like my quilting.  Are you a gardening quilt maker, too?
Enjoy the weekend!
Mary Huey


  1. Glad you found your camera so you could give us that lovely tour. I'm facing a job change, and hope to be able to spend more time caring about the outside areas of the house. You've given me some ideas! Thanks!

  2. Thanks for such a lovely and enthusiastic view of your garden. It made me smile. I'd love to know where you got the hummingbird feeder. I only have a balcony for outdoor space. I moved here last year and was able to get the hummers by hanging a feeder. This winter, I replaced that feeder with a seed feeder and am reluctant to give up the goldfinches that are coming but I do have planter boxes on the railings that should work for a feeder like you have in your window box.

  3. I really enjoyed seeing your post today. It put a smile on my face. Thank you for sharing all the beautiful flowers.

  4. Sp Glad you found your camera! With my broken hip, I haven't been able to get out to my kitchen garden for the last 6 months. Maybe soon. What a lovely garden you have.


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