Friday, October 12, 2018

Third Quarter Goals for the 2018 Finish Along

 Just setting myself up with two finishing goals for this quarter!
First up is my Value Proposition QAL top from 2015 (?) -- I'm on the last row of blocks and haven't touched it all summer.
Just these four blocks to go . . . . .  
. . . . . and 300" of this 10" wide border.  Since it's such a busy print, I expect the quilting design choice will be simple -- parallel lines or a grid that echos the 60 degrees angles of the hexagons.
Part of my renewed interest is thanks to Jeana Kimball who has started a #50daysofhandquilting push via her Instragram feed and so I started out the first day this morning with an hour of stitching!
I would love to have this hanging in the living room by Christmas!!

Second project will be a retirement gift for a long time naturalist birding friend.  When she announced her final day last month, my immediate impulse was to make her a quilt.  But first I always check this shelf to see if I already have something perfect on hand -- it's not nearly as full as it once was so I was fearful that there wouldn't be the perfect quilt top (with backing and binding) to suit her. 
But yes -- have no fear!  There it was -- third quilt top I touched!!
Complete with backing and binding -- ready to layer.
Bright, cheerful, and featuring birds!!
The quilt isn't askew -- it's my photo -- quilt on floor, me on a chair reaching way out?!?  I have about two months before her official last day -- thinking Baptist Fan but we'll see!
These two project should keep me busy for the next few months.

Enjoy the weekend!


  1. Lovely, can't wait to see how they finally turn out!!!

  2. Just two projects, and with definite goals in mind? You can do it! On behalf of the entire crew, thanks for participating in 2018 Finish-A-Long. Good luck completing your projects!


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