Monday, April 12, 2021

A Third of the Way!!!

 Spring is progressing here and so is my drive to #quilt21in2021!!   I just finished binding the 7th quilt and that puts me one third of the way to achieving my ambitious goal!  Its in the washing machine now for a final tidy-up as the top has been sitting on a shelf for at least fifteen years.

I think it's the best job I've done so far using the Baptist fan quilting -- it's very consistent -- not like a computer version, but good for a human guidance system!  I used one of my plexiglass tools to make the first arc on every fan.  Usually I just do the first arc in a row and then wing it the rest of the way across.

With the first arc marked and stitched, I used the 3/4" Ruler Foot Echo Guide to trace each previous arc and stitch the next one.  I shared more detail about stitching out this pattern in a blogpost a couple years ago and you can revisit it HERE.  

The last row is never a full row but I treat it like one, marking the first arc and maintaining the same spacing as you can see below.
There was some serious thread-chicken happening with this quilting!?!
I lost with the top thread (on the right) and had to hunt down something to blend in, but I won with the bobbin thread (on the left).  
I incorporated a bit of the selvage into the backing and this quilt is destined for my oldest grandson.  I hope the fact that I set up the colors for the print and got my name on the selvage will overshadow the floral aspect of the print!!
I'm always delighted to find a good binding fabric without leaving the studio!  How about you?  Another half yard used reduces my guilt about having so much more than I need!!
No, I don't press my binding in half before applying it to the quilt and yes, I drop the pile of it on the floor to the right side of my chair since it has absolutely no impact on the finished quality.
I also finished knitting the cool hat designed by Hunter Hammersen -- can't decide if I'll gift it or keep it.  The diagonal color bands are such a happy coincidence!  This skein has been sitting in my yarn stash for a couple years and I'll be happy to have it on someone's head next winter.
Now I need to turn my attention to finishing a pair of socks I tried to knit in one week early in March - made a good start but still need to knit the foot of the second sock!
We've had a unusually warm spell for Northeast Ohio last week.  The local toads gathered for an orgy in my little pond and a frenzied 48 hours later, everyone left and now all I have to do is keep the pond full for next two months so some of the thousand or more eggs they left make it to tiny little toads.
The yard is gorgeous with ALL the spring flowers in bloom at the same time but it's going to look dull for the month of May while I wait for the next wave of bloom.  It will be cooler this week and I hope this pot of tulips will last longer!
My birding gang is finally all vaccinated so we walked a local park together on Sunday for the first time in six months.  Feels so good to have my bubble expand a bit and to talk with my nerdy friends face-to-face.  As we enjoyed the beginning of  bird migration, I am reminded of how important it is for me and those around me to keep doing the stuff I do.
It would be easier for that little 3-ounce bird to stay in the tropics with all that food instead of flying 1500 miles.  But if she didn't leave for the breeding grounds when it was time, her species would suffer.  She needs to go north, find a mate, build a nest, and have a brood.
Right now as long as I can be with my family, make the quilts and the bread, work in my garden,  and learn the history -- it's enough.
If I'm never able to do more, I am grateful for the experiences I've had and for the skills that I have shared.  This new season of life wasn't in my "plan" but it is important to move through it with as much grace as I can muster.

Wishing you a week of blessings!

1 comment:

  1. Congratulations on your progress towards your goal. I put my binding on the floor too to keep it out of the way and available. I too am feeling appreciative since getting my second shot. I feel like the world is opening up again and I am anxious to be a part of it.


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