Tuesday, September 6, 2016

Busy Weekend!!

As a rule, I haven't enjoyed holiday weekends since my husband passed and my children moved out on their own so it's important to go into those weekends with a plan.
This past weekend was Labor Day here in the USA and the plan revolved around getting this quilt (Smitten by Lucy Carson Kingwell) ready to layer.

Mission accomplished!! 
Today it gets layered and then the hemming and hawing about how to quilt it can begin!?!
I love looking at it, so I left it hanging out on the clothesline with the sheets for a bit just to enjoy the view.
I even contemplated mounting it on the side of the newly painted garage for some photos.
That was one of my other weekend goals -- to get this side of the garage painted before the weather turned hot and rainy this week as is forecast. 
Definitely out of my comfort zone -- the painting part is okay but there was lots of self-talk going on concerning that ladder stretched out into the peak of the wall.
The building is reputed to have started life as the cow shed circa 1915 when the "neighborhood" was likely a pasture behind us.  There's a door at the back corner, long nailed shut, which would have given easy access to a pasture and an old diagonal "scar" along the front corner where a small structure was removed -- chicken coop or wood shed?
I've had the rest of the building sided with vinyl to make it easier to maintain and improve the neighbors' views but I love the visual history of this side and so will continue to keep it painted -- though I won't be the one painting it next time!!
I like the idea of organizing a photo backdrop there -- have to think about that!!

And just to keep things interesting, I'm working on making the transition from tri-focals (which I've worn for 30 years to two pairs of bi-focals?!?  I can see the targets better with both pairs of glasses and I think the challenge of keeping track of both pair will be a good mental workout for me -- memory improvement -- where did I leave the reading pair?
Such a goofy selfie!!
Time to layer!!  Think I might do a couple of them while I'm in the mode!!



  1. Your quilt is lovely. Staying busy is a good way to keep holiday sadness at bay.

  2. Love the selfie! I'm so glad you took time to enjoy your pretty flimsy before layering. So often we rush from one "job" to the next and forget to smell the roses. Yes, a photo spot by the shed! Great idea. I'm sorry you face the holiday blues, but you set a great example for taking care of yourself. ♡

  3. Love the selfie! I'm so glad you took time to enjoy your pretty flimsy before layering. So often we rush from one "job" to the next and forget to smell the roses. Yes, a photo spot by the shed! Great idea. I'm sorry you face the holiday blues, but you set a great example for taking care of yourself. ♡

  4. Your quilt turned out beautiful. I'd want to gaze upon it a little longer too. Silly selfie!

  5. Your quilt top is amazing - very delicate, fresh and sweet, like a summer meadow full of flowers! I like quilts with different blocks and non-linear layouts, they make you look again and again, search for all the fun details, like your fussy-cut centers. I can really see why you wanted to admire the top before proceeding to the next stage))

  6. You're a goof!
    I did not know anyone still had cloths lines! Your quilt! what can i say? It is beautiful-colors, fabrics, layouts. It is crafted so well! With the sun shining thru it, it looks like stained glass.

  7. This is a beautiful quilt! I absolutely love it, even though it is so totally not my colors. (I've just recently come around to not going "gah!!!" when I see pink...) Your inspiration is really tugging me towards making one of my own!
    And good for you for preserving that shed/garage! It *would* be fun to use it somehow for a photo backdrop, wouldn't it?

  8. I am so excited - you are coming to Kokomo soon

  9. A beautiful quilt! Can't wait to see how you are going to quilt it. Love the selfie!!

  10. I love your quilt top! So many pinks. I like the bursts of oranges. This must have been fun to make. :-)

  11. Love the quilt! It's so pretty. And I admire you for painting the shed. I wouldn't have gotten up on that ladder! It would make a really great quilt backdrop, too.

  12. Your quilt is so pretty. You need to put a barn quilt on the side of your shed. I would love one on our barn, but I just can't convince my husband. Blessings, Gretchen

  13. You continue to amaze me, Mary what with your painting and quilting, birding and gardening! I'm going to keep a look out for hankies like the lovely ones you incorporated into your wonderful top - A real stunner.

  14. Love your finished flimsy and your clothesline! Congrats on painting that wall too :)

  15. Your quilt is beautiful; I love the pastel colours with just a few splashes of strong colours giving great balance. Well done on the wall! I'd never have gone up that ladder (or any ladder!) so wise decision, Mary, to leave it for someone else next time.

  16. Your 'smitten' quilt is gorgeous! I love all the colours, and the darker splashes of colour are perfect,lots to look at here!

  17. your quilt it lovely and so fresh looking. Forever spring.

  18. This quilt is wonderful Mary! I love the variety of blocks and think your balance of color is great. I know what you mean about that ladder! I've been camping for three weeks in CA and one day we hiked a short, steep portion of the Pacific Crest Trail, more like a ledge to me. Lots of self-talk and deep, calming breaths!

  19. What a lovely interpretation of the Smitten pattern.
    I hope you had someone to help hold the ladder steady.
    When you work out where you left your reading glasses, can we look for mine? I have just started wearing them ... sometimes ... when I remember.


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