Monday, October 6, 2014

For you antique quilt lovers!

Two weeks ago, I encountered another group of quilts from The Christ Collection, an exquisite collection of antique quilts! I first saw some of this collection in 2012 at Quilt Odyssey in Hershey, Pennsylvania.  I was overwhelmed by it!   
Arlan and Pat Christ are the owners of this collection and their passion to understand the history of their quilts makes their collection a delight to view.
They work at this hobby participating in a number of "quilt study" groups to expand their historical understanding of quilting and quilts.  They offer lectures and display segments of their collection to allow interested quilters access to some amazing quilts.
The focus of the exhibit I saw in September was American Pride . . . Eagles & Stars.  It premiered at Quilt Odyssey in Hershey, Pennsylvania during July.  This was the fifth year they exhibited during the show. 
This is just five of the almost forty beauties they had with them.  While they don't allow photos (for all the obvious reasons), they do let quilters get their noses right up to a quilt.  The color was . . . well, you can see what it is!!  And the workmanship was so interesting.  Arlan and Pat were at hand constantly during the 3-day exhibit to talk with everyone about the quilts and their histories.   I love how eager they are to share these beautiful treasures.
To learn more about Arlan and Pat and their quilts, go to their website,
There you will find the current list of their appearances and have a chance to purchase one of their catalogs or patterns that Pat creates from quilts in the collection.
I know I'll be watching for opportunities to see more of their beautiful quilts!
Mary Huey

1 comment:

  1. Quite a privilege to be able view such a collection first hand - and to have passionate quilt collectors ready to provide more details.


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